Home Plant List

Herb Plants by Scientific Name where Native includes Yes and Location includes McCall and Weed includes No

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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)Achillea millefolium
Common Names yarrow
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
monkshood (Aconitum columbianum)Aconitum columbianum
Common Names monk's Hood
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Short Description 1.5 to 7 feet tall.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea)Anaphalis margaritacea
Common Names western pearly everlasting
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Piper's anemone, windflower (Anemone piperi)
Anemone piperi
Common Names Piper's anemone, windflower
Family Buttercup
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pearly Pussytoes (Antennaria anaphaloides)Antennaria anaphaloides
Common Names pearly pussytoes
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White, yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Heart-leafed Arnica (Arnica cordifolia)Arnica cordifolia
Common Names heart-leafed arnica
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Leaves: Heart shaped
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster (Aster alpigenus var. haydenii)Aster alpigenus var. haydenii
Common Names showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)Balsamorhiza sagittata
Common Names arrowleaf balsamroot
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall, McCall and many locations
Native Yes
Weed No
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)
Castilleja miniata
Common Names Indian paintbrush
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Orange, faded
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Rare in camp.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium)

Chamerion angustifolium
Common Names fireweed
Family Evening Primrose
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora)
Collinsia parviflora
Common Names blue-eyed Mary
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Blue and white
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Very small plant, flowers.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Virginia strawberry, wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)Fragaria virginiana
Common Names Virginia strawberry, wild strawberry
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Frasera montana
Common Names white frasera
Family Gentian
Flower Color White, cream
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Small perrenial.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Sticky Geranium (Geranium viscosissimum)Geranium viscosissimum
Common Names sticky geranium, sticky purple geranium
Family Geranium
Flower Color Pink, purple
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Leaves: Palmately divided
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Scarlet Gilia (Gilia aggregata)Gilia aggregata
Common Names scarlet gilia
Family Phlox
Flower Color Red
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)
Heracleum lanatum
Common Names cow parsnip
Family Parsley
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Photosensitive skin reaction, wet soil. Is poisonous to humans.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
puccoon, wayside gromwell (Lithospermum ruderale)
Lithospermum ruderale
Common Names puccoon, wayside gromwell
Family Borage
Flower Color Yellowish
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Lupinus sp.
Common Names bluebonnet, lupine
Family Legume or Pea
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Leaves: Palmate compound
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
broad-leaf bluebells (Mertensia platyphylla)
Mertensia platyphylla
Common Names broad-leaf bluebells
Family Borage
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Lewis' monkeyflower(Mimulus lewisii)Mimulus lewisii
Common Names Lewis' monkeyflower
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Magenta
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
wild peony (Paeonia brownii)Paeonia brownii
Common Names wild peony
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Brown-reddish
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Compact near ground. Leaves: Deeply lobed, leathery
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Penstemon spp.
Common Names penstemon, beardtongue
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Wilcoxs penstemon (Penstemon wilcoxii)Penstemon wilcoxii
Common Names Wilcoxs penstemon
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Purple, blue
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Common summer flower at McCall, ID.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
cinquefoil (Potentilla spp.)
Potentilla spp.
Common Names cinquefoil
Family Rose
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum)
Pteridium aquilinum
Common Names bracken fern
Family Polypod
Flower Color -none-
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Bracken fern is a common forest understory fern.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyrola chlorantha
Common Names green pyrola
Family Heath
Flower Color Green-white
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyrola secunda
Common Names sidebells pyrola
Family Heath
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Short Description 9-12" tall.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyrola sp
Common Names lesser pyrola
Family Heath
Flower Color Pink, rose
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
buttercup (Ranunculus sp)
Ranunculus sp
Common Names buttercup
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
western coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalis)Rudbeckia occidentalis
Common Names western coneflower
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Brown
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Brown cone, not showy.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Meadow Rue (Thalictrum occidentale)Thalictrum occidentale
Common Names meadow rue
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Brown
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
golden pea (Thermopsis montana)
Thermopsis montana
Common Names golden pea
Family Legume or Pea
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Not palatable to livestock
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Valerian (Valeriana sp.)Valeriana sp.
Common Names valerian
Family Valerian
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
early blue violet (Viola adnuca var. unknown)
Viola adnuca var. unknown
Common Names early blue violet
Family Violet
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
pale mountain violet (Viola adunca var. glabra)
Viola adunca var. glabra
Common Names pale mountain violet
Family Violet
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
white-rayed wyethia (Wyethia helianthoides)
Wyethia helianthoides
Common Names white-rayed wyethia, sunflower mule-ears
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No